Book Us For A Lecture!


Book Us For A Lecture!

Hello friends! This post is a catalogue of the lectures that we offer. It will be updated as we create more lectures. We offer these talks either virtually or in-person (when possible.) There is not a strict pricing list for our lectures; we are happy to discuss with your organization and come to a fair price that is affordable to you. Half of the money will be given to the speaker and half will go directly back to the Library’s general fund.


Literary Lectures:

The Haunting of Hill House: A Discussion on Queerness and Conformity
The Haunting of Hill House is an iconic tale of a haunted house that has endured for decades. But underneath the walls that don’t line up and the rooms that move is a story about conformity- or lack thereof. This book is a character study more than a ghost story, an analysis of a young woman who was never given the chance to be who she truly is. This 45 minute presentation is an exploration of the metaphors contained within the shifting stairs of Hill House, and how specifically it can be seen as an allegory for queerness and grappling with one’s identity.


Healthcare Lectures:
Note- These lectures will be given by Remy, who is a registered nurse, an ER nurse of nearly 10 years’ experience, and holds an MPA from Penn’s Fels Institute of Government.

Caring For The LGBTQ+ Patient
This 75 minute class is an overview of basic definitions of LGBTQ+ terminology and of the health disparities that exist between the LGBTQ+ community and non-LGBTQ+ individuals. It also discusses how healthcare workers can create safer, more welcoming spaces for LGBTQ+ patients and their loved ones.

Stroke and the LGBTQ+ Patient
This 60 minute class discusses health disparities that exist between the LGBTQ+ community and non-LGBTQ+ individuals, with an emphasis on risk factors for stroke. It also discusses the needs of LGBTQ+ patients after a catastrophic medical event and how to preserve a patient’s dignity and identity while providing competent healthcare.

Providing Sensitive and Affirming Care to Trans and Gender Nonconforming Patients: A Presentation on Presentation
This 60 minute class discusses different terms related to gender identity and ways in which patients may present themselves to affirm their gender identity. It also opportunities for healthcare providers to create safe and affirming environments with regards to gender presentation.

**If you have any ideas for lectures you would like to hear from us, please reach out!**


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